
Respectonomics features the financier, philanthropist, poet and speaker Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley. Listen in as Jeremy unpacks the importance of Respectonomics in business today, while interviewing guests and helping corporate business reignite the fire of the Human Being, recreate the values of unity, refresh the pleasures of innovation and productivity, AND give HOPE a valid and powerful place in our lives. For more information, visit:

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3 hours ago

Under the Respectonomics banner, this Compass Point episode highlights the benefits of a compass in the face of an impending hurricane. A pilot or a navigator would naturally acknowledge the warnings and take evasive action - notably to chart a safe course to the intended destination. Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley and his co-host Sarah Benton identify the intensity and trajectory of this hurricane in-the-making: economically, socially, politically. We face unparalleled storms. The responsibility, indeed the accountability, of corporations and business organizations is to heed the warnings. As the citizenry of life we vote that leadership reviews and resets its bearings NOW! Respectonomics offers evidence, guidance and preemptive solutions. Listen well, and call on to arrange presentations, consultations and debate. Thank you!

7 days ago

“Fear of Success” is the theme of this Compass Point series in which Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley, the Voice of Respectonomics, and his co-host Sarah Benton, examine the roots to the complex, hidden, and self-sabotaging character of such a fear. Fear of success is a deception that traps many of us into performing below our potential. When removed, there is an opportunity for a quantum uplift in our personal performance as well as our attitudes.
This episode joins at a critical time. People applaud the aspirations of Respectonomics. Now it is time for corporations and businesses to take up the lead to restore the dignity of the human being. This restoration might well be a vaccine to the emotional and mental issues that plague many levels of our communities, and often impede the “success” of business. When we consider the frail nature of the world economies, their volatility, and the senses of anger and hopelessness, the guidance available through Respectonomics is a navigational necessity. Try me. Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley. In any case, let me have your own insight.

Wednesday Mar 12, 2025

“The Ownership of Anxiety”. Anxiety is the issue that Sarah Benton, my cohost, and I discuss in this Compass Point series of Respectonomics. The Compass is a fitting portrait of the anxieties and fears that confront us in the quadrants of our journey of life. When anxiety weakens our convictions of self worth, we undermine our potential and perform accordingly. This episode, “The Ownership of Anxiety”, points to the benefits and risks of anxiety, and illustrates how we identify it, confront it, and tame it to optimize our performance! Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley. E-mail:

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025

“Know Your No How” is the centrepiece of this Respectonomics podcast with Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley and his cohost Sarah Benton. The Compass Point series continues with helping us to navigate our issues of personal dignity, in this instance of giving  a “No” or “Yes” with grace and conviction. We also explore the third way of “standing still”. Questions and input are welcome at

Compass Point 1 - Homelessness

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025

The Compass Point of our discussion is “Homelessness”, and forms the nucleus of the exchange of ideas between Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley and co-host Sarah Benton. Respectonomics identifies two casualties of the current political economy, “Houselessness” and ‘Homelessness”, both related and the outcome of financial and moral mismanagement by governments. More tellingly the apparent trend of discounting human individuality leads to a loss of identity, thereby giving homelessness a new venue - intellectually, mentally and spiritually. Respectonomics identifies contributing factors, and outlines steps to restore dignity and hope. Call on Jeremy at to calibrate our compass of respect.

Episode 17 - Hold The Door

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025

Titled “Hold The Door”, in this episode of Respectonomics Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley and his co-host Sarah Benton, observe the reward of holding the door for another human being. Such action is one of respect and awareness, and sets the stage for openness to other people’s preferences and choices. The compass of Respectonomics is to help us - across the spectrum of society - to set the course for dignity, harmony and hope.

Episode 16 - Tariffic Management

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025

“Tariffic Management” frames this interview between Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley of Respectonomics and co-host Sarah Benton. Tariffs are a crude economic weapon, often applied to defend businesses in decline. Tariffs in organizations are also present,  expressed with barriers to the free flows of respect and information. Such barriers lead to a decline in productivity, impede innovation,  and conflict with employee retention. Respectonomics identifies managerial barriers - or tariffs, and provides the tools to take them down. Call on to discuss your particular paradigm.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

This episode of Respectonomics with Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley and his co-host Sarah Benton is titled “Hands On Deck Everyone!” The issue of restoring our human dignity is immediate and pressing. Take one look at the torrents of anger, mental malaise, and economic upheavals. We call on those in places of leadership and influence to rebuild the foundations of respect. And those of us with other profiles, we call on “influencers” to be the conscience of respect restored. Call on Jeremy and Sarah to be guest speakers on behalf of Respectonomics - to your communities, your boards, businesses and associations!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Corporations over the years have provided enormous benefits and prosperity. In this episode, Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley and cohost Sarah Benton, put forward how these benefits have developed, and how Respectonomics can bring about a quantum improvement in  relationships between stakeholders. These improvements are dynamic to raising productivity, stimulating innovation, and strengthening loyalties. Listen well and tell us at how we can raise corporate awareness of human giftedness.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

This episode, “Culture: Healthy or Toxic” is the subject of a discussion between Jeremy Wentworth-Stanley of Respectonomics and our co-host Sarah Benton (EQi 2.0 & EQ 360 Certified). We explore how culture blends knowledge, beliefs and behaviours, and influences organizational prosperity. We conclude that culture is organic and presents leadership with a powerful tool to foster harmony and a congruent sense of purpose. Share this with leaders and managers alike! Collaboration is culture’s pearl!


"A world where mutual respect thrives in business from top to bottom." 

(That's Respectonomics.)

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